Hoarding - A Problem Through the Ages

Hoarding is now recognized by the medical community as a psychological disorder. It appears to be more prevalent in first world nations as compared to more impoverished areas of the globe. While it has only recently been defined and studied as an illness (mostly in the last 20 years), it has been recognized as a problem for nearly a millennium. In middle age Europe hoarders were known as "misers". Dante's famous book, The Inferno, has hoarders occupying the fourth ring of hell -- and in a constant struggle against profligates who cannot hold on to anything. Whether it is a mental disorder, spiritual problem, or both; hoarding tends to result in people who are withdrawn and isolated from society. Click here to read more...

30th Anniversary Throwback Thursday

As promised on our 30th Anniversary, here is our first blast from the past!   Kids these days are calling these posts Throwback Thursdays ...